

I had to pause and think, "How does one write an LJ post now adays?", like, what clients are still in use? Heh, I rock.

Venetian and I parted ways. I am daddy to a brand new baby boy. I am currently doing silly side-gigs, like, developing applications (aka, "magic tricks") for magicians while serving as full-time stay-at-home daddy.

I have yet to attend the local DorkBotLV meetings, but I promise I totally will. I still am very active in UrbanDead. I haven't played RO in months, nor really spent any time on the XBox, mostly cause the baby takes up all my time and energy. He's pretty neat, I think I like him.

Livejournal. Its facebook without the apps! Time for me to catch up with the season finale of Warehouse 13 (aka "Scooby Doo Adventures") now.

(no subject)

12:24 Waiting for eyeglasses perscription checkup. Sell me glasses with Heads Up Display now, kay? Link IRL faces to Facebook infos. #

18:12 Future of XMAS here today: "warm" white LED pre-lit "tree" with purty bulb lenses. Proper size that I can actually lift. Low wattage! #

18:28 Is that an Android "Moment" device in @joia's hands? Yes it is! #

20:53 So long Sidekick, thanks for the Peek @peekinc, Here comes Sprint's Android "Moment" for us! Keyboard feels great, AMAZING screen, and apps! #


(no subject)

23:49 Data Recovery method from Microsoft to Sidekick users: Download a .CSV & then push into web interface. Shouldn't they automate that for us? #


(no subject)

12:35 T-Mobile's attempt at caring about us as Sidekick customers is merely a facade. irev.net/p04 Frustrated: I want back what I put in. #

12:37 OMG, Twitter automatically URL shortens with Bit.ly. If I want to blow my 140 characters on an URL string, I damn well get to. Don't mangle! #


(no subject)

13:16 GPS navi gizmo has 1-button access to nearest hospital, police station, and fuel. Screw those, needs a "coffee now" button. #

17:54 Inspired by need for coffee locations, hacked my Garmin 760 to the latest 2010 US maps. Hacked traffic and maps, and now can find coffee! #